Fungi |
3001 | Mushroom sec | 3002 | Rhizopus Nigricans w.m |
3003 | Penicillium w.m | 3004 | Aspergillus w.m |
3005 | Albugo sec | 3006 | Mucor w.m or sec |
3007 | Yeast w.m | 3008 | Lichen sec |
Algae |
3009 | Euglen w.m | 3010 | Chlamydomonas w.m |
3011 | Volvox w.m | 3012 | Spirogyra Vegetative mass w.m |
3013 | Siprogra Conjugation w.m | 3014 | Laminaria Japonica Thallus sec |
3015 | Porphyra sec | | |
Bryophytes |
3016 | Marchantia thallus c.s | 3017 | Marchantia sec of cuple with Gemmae |
3018 | Marchantia Male Genital Organ l.s | 3019 | Marchantia Female Genital Organ l.s |
Mosses |
3020 | Moss Leaf w.m | 3021 | Moss w.m |
3022 | Moss Protonemata w.m | 3023 | Moss Antheridia l.s |
3024 | Moss Archegonia l.s | 3025 | Polytrichum leaf c.s |
3026 | Polytrichum stem c.s | 3027 | Moss Capsule l.s |
3028 | Black Algae leaf c.s | 3029 | Adiantum stem T.S |
Pteridophytes |
3030 | Fern Prothallium w.m | 3031 | Fern Rhizome c.s |
3032 | Fern Prothallium Young Sporophyte w.m | 3033 | Fern Prothallium c.s show Antheridia |
3034 | Fern prothallium c.s show Archegonia | | |
Gymnosperms |
3035 | Pine Young Root c.s | 3036 | Pine Old Root c.s |
3037 | Pine Leaf c.s | 3038 | Pine One-year stem c.s |
3039 | Pine Ten-year stem c.s | 3040 | Pine Touch-side stem l.s |
3041 | Pine Stem l.s Thru Hearwoody | 3042 | Pine Male Globose Fruit l.s |
3043 | Pine female Globose Fruit l.s | 3044 | Pine Pollens w.m |
Angiespermae-Root |
3045 | Monocot and Dicot Root c.s | 3046 | Root Young and Old c.s |
3047 | Cuscuta Haustorium sec | 3048 | Helianthus Young Root c.s |
3049 | Helianthus Old Root c.s | 3050 | Ranunculas Japonicus Young Root c.s |
3051 | Ranunculas Japnicus Old Root c.s | 3052 | Vicia Faba Young Root c.s |
3053 | Vicia Faba Old Root c.s | 3054 | Vicia Faba l.sand c.s |
3055 | Vicia Faba Later Root c.s | 3056 | Ipomoea Batatas Root c.s |
3057 | Allium Tuberosum Root c.s | 3058 | Iris Root c.s |
3059 | Gossypium Young Root c.s | 3060 | Gossypium Old Root c.s |
3061 | Camella Sinensis Root c.s | 3062 | Pear Root c.s |
3063 | Gycine Max Root c.s | 3064 | Glycine Max Root Nodule c.s |
3065 | Raphanus Sativus Fleshy Root c.s | 3066 | Dancus Carota Var Sativa Root c.s |
3067 | Onion Root c.s | 3068 | Onion Root c.s |
3069 | Onion Root Tip cells w.m | 3070 | Corn Root Tip l.s |
3071 | Corn Root c.s | 3072 | Triticum Aestivum Root Tip w.m Show Root hair |
3073 | Triticum Aestivum Root c.s | 3074 | Citrus Reticulata Young Root c.s |
3075 | Brassica Campstris Young Root c.s | 3076 | Oryza Sativa Root c.s |
3077 | Prumus Persica Young Root c.s | 3078 | Arachis Persica Young Root c.s |
3079 | Archis Hypogaea Root c.s | 3080 | Narcissus Tazette Root Tip l.s |
3081 | Brassica Root T.S | | |
Angiospermae-Stem |
3082 | Monocot and Dicot Stems c.s | 3083 | Stems Young and Old c.s |
3084 | Helianthus Young stem c.s | 3085 | Helianthus Old stem c.s |
3086 | Helianthus Young stem c.s | 3087 | Vicia Faba stem c.s |
3088 | Sambucus Williansii stem c.s | 3089 | Corchoreae stem c.s |
3090 | Hibiscus Syriacus stem c.s | 3091 | Tilia one-year stem c.s |
3092 | Tilia two-year stem c.s | 3093 | Tilia three-year stem c.s |
3094 | Tilia one-year two-year and three-year stem c.s | 3095 | Arachis Hygoyaea Young Stem c.s |
3096 | Arachis Hygoyaea Old Stem c.s | 3097 | Triticum Aestivum stem c.s |
3098 | Oryza Sativa stem c.s | 3099 | Corn stem c.s |
3100 | Corn Stem l.s and c.s | 3101 | Medicago Alfalfa stem c.s |
3102 | Asparagus stem c.s | 3103 | Gossypium stem c.s |
3104 | Pear Stem c.s | 3105 | Morus stem c.s |
3106 | Citrus Reticulata Stem c.s | 3107 | Malus Stem c.s |
3108 | Nerium Idicum stem c.s | 3109 | Pelargonium Hortorum stem c.s |
3110 | Impatiens Balsmina Stem c.s | 3111 | Qpuntia DillPnii Phylloid c.s |
3112 | Cucurbita stem c.s | 3113 | Cucurbita stem l.s |
3114 | Nicotiana Tabacum Stem c.s | 3115 | Nympnaea stem c.s |
3116 | Apium Graveolens Petiolo c.s show Collenchyma | 3117 | Stem C.S Show collenchyma |
3118 | Stem C.S Show Sclerenchyma | 3119 | Stem C.S Show Sieve Plata |
3120 | Stem C.S Show Lentical | 3121 | Morus Alba Peltiole l.s Show Abscission Layer |
3122 | Stem L.s Show Sieve tube | 3123 | Stem L.s Show Tracheid |
3124 | Stem L.s Show Laticifer | 3125 | Stem L.s Show Interalary Meristem |
3126 | Corn Iuternode c.s | 3127 | Syrcngo Stem Tip l.s |
3128 | Hydrilla Verticillata Stem Tip l.s | 3129 | Brassica Stem T.S |
Angiospermae-Leaf |
3130 | Onion Stoma w.m | 3131 | Triticum Aestivem Stoma w.m |
3132 | Oryza Sativa Stoma w.m | 3133 | Vicia Faba Stoma w.m |
3134 | Epidermal Cells Commelina Communis w.m | 3135 | Monocot And Dicot Leaves c.s |
3136 | Three Leaves C.S Hydrophyte Mesophyte xw | 3137 | Ficus Leaf C.S Show Foveolate Stomas |
3138 | Nerium Indicum Leaf C.S Show Fovedate Stomas | 3139 | Helianthus Leaf c.s |
3140 | Pittosporum Tobira Leaf c.s | 3141 | Ligustrum Lucidum Leaf c.s |
3142 | Jasminum Nudiflorum Leaf c.s | 3143 | Iris Leaf c.s |
3144 | Lily Leaf c.s | 3145 | Coffe Leaf c.s |
3146 | Citrus Reticulata Leaf c.s | 3147 | Camellia Sinensis Leaf c.s Show Stone Cell |
3148 | Osman Thus Fragrans Leaf c.s Show Stone Cell | 3149 | Triticum Aestivum Leaf c.s |
3150 | Oryza Sativa Leaf c.s | 3151 | Corn Leaf c.s |
3152 | Narcissus Tazetta Leaf c.s | 3153 | Nymphaea c.s Show Serenchyma |
3154 | Sunken Plant Leaf c.s Show Aerenchyma | 3155 | Blanana Leaf c.s |
3156 | Prunus Persica Leaf c.s | 3157 | Nicotiana Tabacum Leaf c.s |
3158 | Canna Indica Leaf c.s | 3159 | Ficus Elastica Leaf c.s |
3160 | Ranunculus Japonicus Leaf c.s | 3161 | Fig Leaf c.s |
3162 | Privet Leaf c.s | 3163 | Brassica Leaf t.s |
Angiospermae-Flouer Fruit |
3165 | Lily Pollen w.m | 3166 | Seceral Pollen w.m |
3167 | Lily Auther c.s show Pollengrains | 3168 | Lily Auther c.s show Meiosis |
3169 | Triticum Aestivum Anther c.s show Double Nucleus | 3170 | Orgza Sativa Anther c.s show Abortion or Developmen |
3171 | Inpatiens Balsmina Pollen w.m | 3172 | Onion Anther c.s show Meiosis |
3173 | Lily Ovary c.s | 3174 | Narcissus tazetta Ovary c.s |
3175 | Narcissus Tazatta ovary l.s show Several Ovule | 3176 | Helianthus Ovary l.s show Anatropous Ovule |
3177 | Capsella Young Embryo sec | 3178 | CapsellaMiddle Embryo sec |
3179 | Capsella Old Embryo sec | 3180 | Triticum Aestivum Seed l.s |
3181 | Corn Seed l.s | 3182 | Ricinus communis Seed l.s |
3183 | Pear Fruit sec Show Stone cell | 3184 | Diospyros Kaki Endosperm show Plasmodes-ma |
3185 | Citrus Reticulata Pericarp sec | 3186 | Lily ovary Young c.s |
3187 | Lily ovary Middle c.s | 3188 | Lily ovary old c.s |
3189 | Capsicum seedcase cell sec | 3190 | Capsella Flower w.m |
3191 | Capsella Flower Bud,c.s. | 3192 | Oryza Sativa,Pollen Grains,smear |
3193 | Luffa Cylindrica pollen Grains smear | 3194 | Lmpatiens Balsamina pollen Grains smear |
3195 | Triticum Aestivum pollen Grains smear | | |